Law’s Pluralities ׀ Home

Law’s Pluralities – Cultures ׀ Narratives ׀ Images ׀ Genders /// Pluralitäten des Gesetzes – Kulturen ׀ Narrative ׀ Bilder ׀ Genders

6-9 May 2015: Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

In May 2015 the conference “Law’s Pluralities” took place at Justus Liebig University Giessen/Germany. In a series of keynote presentations by experts and in panel sessions and discussions, as well as in an exhibition it explored cultural constructions of law.

The conference and exhibition was organized at Justus Liebig University Giessen by the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) in cooperation with the  Department of English, the Rudolf-von-Jhering Institute, and in cooperation with the Neuer Kunstverein Giessen. Contact:

Call for Abstracts

On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture
Call for Abstracts for Issue 3
Law Undone: De-humanizing, Queering, and Dis-abling the Law – FurtherArguments for Law’s Pluralities
Guest Editors: Greta Olson, Sonja Schillings
(Deadline: September 30, 2016)

Download Pdf: Call for Papers

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Law’s Pluralities ׀ Review

Law’s Pluralities and the Place of Law among the Plurality of Normativities

Plurality of Law: Topics and Disciplines

The conference Law’s Pluralities. Cultures, Narratives, Images, Genders was outstanding for a number of reasons. It reflected the complexity and richness of the recent debates in the interdisciplinary field of law and normativity. More precisely, scholars, artists, and intellectuals from many different disciplines contributed ideas and projects in an informal setting and thereby promoted an exchange that mirrored the need of a variety of approaches. At the same time one of the most important characteristics of the conference was the conceptual framing that opened the rather traditional field of jurisprudence in continental Europe, predominantly assessed by lawyers, to methodologies of other academic disciplines (such as literature, philosophy, etc.). The goal was to analyse the main issues that concern the policies and cultures of law beyond the mere juristic horizon.

The conference – attended and created by lawyers involved with interdisciplinary studies as well as by scholars with a background in literature, philosophy, history, sociology, theatre etc. – created a fertile intellectual atmosphere where law was analysed from very different angles.

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Photography by: Danae Gallo González, Raul Gschrey & Silke Schmidt

Law’s Pluralities ׀ Locations

The conference will take place at Justus Liebig University Giessen. Hauptgebäude (University Main Building), Ludwigstraße 23, 35390 Gießen.

The exhibition will be shown around the corner at “Neuer Kunstverein Giessen” Ecke Licher Str./Nahrungsberg, 35394 Gießen.